A website nowadays is the cornerstone of all your marketing activities. It drives brand awareness, leads, and sales. It’s like a salesperson in a sense that you set targets for them, you monitor and review, you train them, etc. It is not different from a website since it’s costing the business just having it up and running, so you want to make sure it’s on top form and delivering results. So, when do you need to update your website? What can an SEO company in Toronto do for your business website? Check this out.

Why updating your website is a must

  1. Website Design and Visual Appeal

You may find that your website no longer speaks for your brand. Your company may have moved on and the website has been left behind, both in terms of the visuals and the brand story. It doesn’t speak to your customers in the right tone of voice. With web design trends that move on and being on point with the latest and greatest web fashion, it is required for your site if you want it to reflect a company that is moving with the times.

  1. Website Performance Review

You may realize that you don’t have a clue if your website is delivering the leads or not. You have no idea how many people visit your site in a month, where they from, how long they stay, or what they do on your site. Maybe you’re using paid advertising and don’t know if it is working or not. It’s time to implement tools that will allow you to drill into your website data and make that important ROI assessment. You need to have a tool for these like Google Analytics, which can be a bit of a beast, but the facts it can tell you can be business altering.

  1. Security

When a website is hacked, it can be truly miserable for all concerned. The quickest way to be hacked is out of date software as it goes out of date in terms of features and functions but it also goes out of date because a security loophole has been identified and a software company issues an update to fix it. With website security, it protects the data that is sent between the website and the customer. Without a doubt, you need to have your site checked using an SSL certificate.

  1. Mobile Friendly

Websites these days need to work on a desktop, but it should work on tablets and mobile too. If a website is not mobile-friendly, it will drive customers away as everything is very sophisticated in our expectations of how a website should work. It is also one of the elements that Google uses to rank websites.

  1. Google Search and SEO

This is the final reason to look when updating your site. Can your customers find your website? There are two ways to drive traffic to a site like ranking in Google search results, known as organic search, and paid advertising traffic. With SEO companies like Above the Fold Media, they research and establish the keywords you want to rank for and use them on your website.

If you realize that you need to update your website, get an SEO company that will lend a hand in making your business known on Google. Click here for more details about website design and SEO.